Type: D-7 Light Cruiser - Early model, circa. 2271
Unit Run: IKC Amar, IKC T'Acog, IKS K'T'Inga, IKS B'Moth, IKC T'Ong plus 823 others built in total. 313 have been lost
in all. 287 have been retired from service.
Commissioned: 2269 - 2304, class remains in service
Length: 246m
Beam: 160m
Height: 68m
Decks: 9
Mass: 490,000 mt
Crew: 510
2 x Mark 10 disrupter cannon
12 x Mark 8 disrupter cannon, total output 8,500 TeraWatts
2 x High Power photon torpedo
tube + 230 torpedoes
Defense Systems:
Standard shield system, total capacity 108,000 TeraJoules
Heavy Duranium Double hull plus 3 cm High density armour.
level Structural Integrity Field
Warp Speeds:
Normal Cruise : 5.5
Maximum Cruise : 7
Maximum Rated : 8.8 for 12 hours.
Strength Index: (Galaxy Class=1000)
Beam Firepower : 170
Torpedo Firepower : 160
Weapon Range and Accuracy : 80
Shield Strength : 40
Hull Armour
: 340
Speed : 356
Combat Manuverability : 6,040
Total: 172
Diplomatic Capability: None
Expected Hull Life: 90 Years
Refit Cycle:
Minor : 2 years
Standard : 2 years
Major : 30 years
Source: Daystrom Institute Technical Library