Class: D-25 Model K'Vort
Unit Run: IKS K'Vort, IKS B'rel, IKS Rotarran, IKS Pagh, IKS Ty'Gokor, plus 1700+. Approximately 520
have been lost and 715 retired from service. These figures are for Defense Force only. Does not include House
Commissioned: 2327-Present
Length: 327m
Beam: 276m
Height: 60m
Decks: 15
Mass: 800,000 metric tons
Crew: 350
2 Mark 10 Pulse Disruptor Cannons
6 Mark 8 Disruptor Cannons
2 High Power Photon Torpedo Tubes
4 Emergency Photon Torpedo Tubes + 400 Torpedoes
Defense Systems:
Standard shield system, total capacity 900,000 TeraJoules
Duranium/Titanium Double Hull + 5cm High Density Armor.
Standard Level Structural Integrity Field.
Standard Klingon Cloaking Device
The I.K.S. Ty'Gokor is the second in its type to be able to fire when cloaked. The 'design flaws' of
the first prototype have been corrected.
Warp Speeds: (TNG Scale)
Normal Cruise: Warp 6
Max Cruise: Warp 7.8
Max Rated: Warp 9 for 10 Hours
Strength Indices: (Galaxy Class=1,000)
Beam Power: 285
Torpedo Firepower: 320
Weapon Range and Accuracy: 355 Shield Strength: 325
Hull Armor: 700
Speed: 792
Combat Maneuverability: 5,000
Overall Strength Index: 400
Diplomatic Capability: None
Expected Hull Life: 50 Years
Refit Cycle:
Minor: 1 Year
Standard: 1 Year
Major: 10 Years
Specifications from Daystrom Institute Technical Library
Body Section
Deck 1 & 2: Radiator Baffles (Deck 1 to 13), Warp Drive Ejection System, Hydrogen Collectors Deck
3 to 5 Warp Drive generator, radiator baffles, Anti-matter generator Deck 6 Engineering Hull: Main Engineering, Warp Drive
generator, Radiator Baffles, Anti-matter generator, Anti-matter storage pod Deck 7 Engineering Hull: Main Engineering,
Warp Drive generator, Radiator Baffles, Anti-matter injector, Anti-matter storage pod, Deck 8 Engineering Hull: Main Engineering,
Warp Drive Generator, Radiator Baffles, Anti-matter storage pod, Secondary Life support system, Deck 9 Engineering Hull:
Main Engineering, Warp Drive Generator, Radiator Baffles, Anti-matter storage pod, Impulse Engine, Deuterium Processing, Deuterium
tank, Matter injector Deck 10 Transporter Room 2, Radiator Baffles, Impulse Engine, Rear Torpedo Reserve, Subspace Tachyon
Emitters Deck 11 Lateral Maneuvering thrusters, Radiator Baffles, Wings' Disruptor Banks, Rear Torpedo Launcher Deck
12 Cargo Bay (deck 12 to 14), Shield Generator, Reserve Warp Core, Radiator Baffles, Rear Mark 8 Canon, Rear Atmospheric Thrusters
(Deck 12 13) Deck 13 Cargo Bay (deck 12 to 14), Shield Generator, Reserve Warp Core, Radiator Baffles, Rear Atmospheric
Thrusters (Deck 12 13), Impulse Drive Output (Deck 13 & 14) Deck 14 Cargo Bay (deck 12 to 14), Reserve Warp Core, Radiator
Baffles, Ventral Long Range Sensors, Impulse Drive Output (Deck 13 & 14)
Collar section
Deck 9 Main Life Support System, Dorsal Airlock, Inertial Dampening, Vertical Maneuvering Thrusters, Component
replicators Deck 10 Crew Quarters, Storage Rooms, Deck 11 Crew Quarters, Secondary Mess, Deck 12 Armory, Secondary
Security, Infirmery Deck 13 Training Bay (Deck 13 & 14), Hall of Warriors, Training and Leisure Holodeck, Deck
14 Training Bay (Deck 13 & 14), Secondary Computer Core, Ventral Canon, Atmospheric Thrusters
Nose section:
Deck 8 Main Bridge, War & Tactical Room, Captain's ready room, Emergency Transporter Room, Dorsal Long
Range Sensors Platform Deck 9 Forward Airlock, Officers' Mess hall, Captain's and FO Quarters, Senior Officers' Quarters,
Senior Officers' Offices Deck 10 Junior Officers Quarters, Crew Quarters, Main computer Core, Sciences Lab, Main Sickbay,
Transporter Room 1 Deck 12 General Mess, Fresh Food Storage Room (connected to both Nose section's Mess), Crew quarters,
Main Computer Core, Deck 13 Cloaking device generator, Storage room, Main Security, Brig, Crew quarters Deck 14 Forward
Photon Torpedo Tubes 1 & 2, Tractor Beam Emitter, Torpedo Reserve, Main Armory Deck 15 Navigational Array, Mark 8 Disruptor
Canon (2), Short Range Sensors, Atmospheric Thrusters
Hydrogen Collectors, Maintenance Conduits, Short Range Lateral Sensors, Disruptors Canons
Other Ship Classes of the Klingon Defense Force:
Qang Class Warship
Negh'Var Class Attack Cruiser
Bird Of Prey Class Scout
K'T'Inga Class Warship