First and foremost I'd like to thank Jesus Christ. Without Him, I'd be nothing.
Second, my wife for putting up with me and all of my constant talking about Star Trek and my online gaming.
:) Thanks Dear...
Thanks to Gene Rodenberry and all of the people at Paramount Pictures for the excellent show that we now
base all of our online RPGs off of and thanks for the "Fan Fair Use" Act that allows us to do so legally.
Current Events and main timeline for Path To Glory is based off of the Star Trek: Miranda RPG created by
Pat Weber. Some crew images appear coutersy of Pat.
Thanks to Pat Weber and Ian Dickson for thier work on the Sim Manuel.
Timeline was originally created by James Dixon and edited by Liam Collins and Ian Dickson. Further
edit for the Klingon Empire done by Jeremy A. Reynolds.
ST: Path To Glory Web Banner created by Ian Dickson.
Various Bird Of Prey Images on the website are gratiously supplied by Andrew J. Hodges of
Rank Images appear courtesy of Steve Marriot of Tango Fleet/RPG Insignias.
Internal shots, planetary locations and various Bird Of Prey images appear courtesy of Bernard Schneider
Canon information comes from Michael and Denise Okuda's Star Trek Encyclopedia and from
(as well as some semi-canon filler information).
Bird Of Prey and other Klingon Ship Specifications come from the Daystrom Institute Technical Library.
Thanks to Gael Imad'eddine for his comprehensive work on creating the deck-by-deck schematics for the Bird
Of Prey.
Email addresses come courtesy of NovaHorizon Simulations. Thanks for the hosting guys!
Website hosting done by Tripod/Lycos Online Site Builder
Special Thanks to the "Top Five" who helped get Path To Glory off to an excellent start on Jan. 24, 2005:
Jeremy A. Reynolds, Anne Schjerven, Ed Martinez, Zach Largo, and Frank Schildiner
Characters are the intellectual property of thier respective creators.
If you see an image of yours on this site, unaccredited, please email me and I will rectify the situation.